Again, thanks.
And no nitpicks from Frank? Yeesh, you getting tired? :-) :-)
Seriously, this really did turn out better than expected. However, I have some nitpicks of my own, and a few revelations:
1. The trakcs are the kit tracks. HOWEVER, I did look into it and the Trumpeter KV-II tracks will fit it, sprocket and all. Neat. But I used the DML tracks. And also, THEY ARE NOT GLUED. They have such a nice snug fit that I could put the whole vehicle together, leave the Sprocket loose, and just roll the tracks on. Takes a bit of patience, but it also allowed me to get some really nice sag on the tracks. Must have been a pre-cursor to the Magic-Tracks?
2. I do not have a Tow cable or the shackles. The kit does not come with Tow cable equipment, but I have to get the shackles on at least...
Oh, it also has a MV lense, but you can't see it.
Now, has anyone else who has built this kit been as impressed with it as I am? Aside froma small fit issue, it was a real pleasure to build.