I used this model to further the idea I had about adding dirt texture to the underneath. SEE HERE FOR DIRT TEXTURE THREAD.
On the DUKW, I used the same method, but added another layer of Mr. Surfacer 500 over the granite paint. The small particals in the granite paint are too pronounced, but the MS.500 really makes all the difference. A little care was taken not to hide any of the kit details.

The kit itself was built OOB. To dress it up a bit, I have used the tarp frames from the Tamiya 2.5 ton cargo truck (Special thanks to Mr. Roo for graciously sending me these ..Thanks Cliff) and the machine gun frame from the accessory pack for the same vehicle. All the drainage holes have been filled in, as this was an after-war feature.

Im in the process of decaling this just now, and then its gonna recieve a sand camouflage layer. Still not content, I searched after a possible Army camo scheme. Roy Chow supplied me with this picture of Ducks coming ashore at Ghela during the Sicily landings. Thanks Roy.

As usual all comments, critic, tips, points of view, etc.are welcome.