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Nice job Dave! I really like your mufflers. Next time you may want to give the model a gloss coat before decals. I know its a pain, but it does make them look just like paint. There is a tad bit of silvering round the Balkenkruz.
I thought the paint and weathering job were super - those mufflers really are great - I can almost fee the rust scale. On the silvering issue, I have had some luck using Wlather's Solvaset (a model railroad product - if your LHS does not carry it a model railroad store probably will) to settle reluctant decals, even after they were applied. It works because model railroaders often do not use clear coats, and this product was designed specifically to settle decals on flat paint.
Just take a sharp pin or new Xacto blade and prick around the margin where the silvering is apparent, then position the model so the decal is facing straight up, and put a drop or two of Solvaset on top. You may want to LIGHTLY prod the decal with a synthetic paintbrush to work the Solvaset under the decal film if it does not run under at first - go easy there, it really softens decal film, including any clear top coats you may have applied. You know the Solvaset has penetrated under the decal when the silvering dissappears. Then put another drop on top and leave the room. It is most important to not prod the decal after the Solvaset has begun to work, as it will be super soft and easily damaged. If any silvering remains, re-prick the affected areas and reapply the Solvaset
Again, great job,