Off course tyres have mold parting lines, I know that, I have several photo's of (some well used) Pzr IV's with those lines. I was only making an observation, not trying to accuse Dragon of incompetence..

We have Tamiya for that... :-) No not really, before it starts another debate..

. Vinnie hits the nail on the head, they are there to atrsrt and then they wear away.
And this had also crossed my mind,
Quoted Text
I always remove them from my builds though as I hate to get into that arguement with the "experts" at contests. "Q"
If you build you DML Pzr IV 'from the box' the average judge will dismiss it because you ' didn't clean the parts'...
Shall I start about the quality difference of the rubber of Abrahms tyres and the 'Ersatzrubber' which the Germans used...