Would the crew use the large ammo cans for storage on the sides or the back of the turret with the names like Driver and TC or Loader like it shows on the older M1A1 Tamiya kit, or would they just put their stuff in the side storage bins. Also is their a place that you can get the water boxes that they used in OIF. Like the ones that you see on Gino's Angry American one? Also are the Smoke Lanchers loaded on the model, or would you just paint them black like their's a cap on them? Also this one is for HeavyArty. One your Angry American on the back by the mud gard on the right side, theirs a box by the light. What is that, and how would you make it? Also their are 3 Antennas on the M1A1HC, how high would they be in 1/35 scale, and whats the 3rd on for anyway, more Communications? I think that's all I can remeber at this time, so tanks in addvance on this one.