The tank is Revell's Leopard 2, and the quality of the kit was a bit questionable. Bad fittings and flash are some key words. That said, it was enjoyable to build the kit. Mostly because I see this tank every day at work. I have not used any aftermarket products, except for the AA FN-Mag, but have used all sort of crap I found around the house to scratchbuild the turret basket and blank fire equipment. I think the figures were Dragons US Tank Crew once, but all parts came from the spare box, so I'm not sure. The vehicle was painted in Tamiya acrylics and weathered with oils. I still have to do some touchups on the base, and add a brass title plate.
This project took me back to "serious modeling" since this is the first model I have finished in a long time. Thanks to all you guys who gave me advices during the build. It is not the last model I will post.
You can see some more pictures from the build