DML's BRDM reboxed by Revell with what I suspect are considerably better decals. Kit is essentially out of the box, with only some metal wire/rod added for grabhandles, antenna, etc. Paint is Tamiya NATO green, with Acryl clearcoats. For reasons even I can't explain I decided to use old DML decals (so my numbers would be unique), but these silvered like a beast. The mud is Tamiya buff. (there's celluclay in the wheel wells--next time I'll use something else. That turned out to be too lumpy and fibrous.) All and all, however, it's better than my last model, and that's called learning, I suppose.
The motor rifle trooper is from DML's kit of that name, essentially out of the box. Acrylics, with oil fleshtones.
All in all, nothing spectacular, but having built this kit as a kid, I've always been fond of this little Russian bus, and meaning to revisit it. Now, it remains to be seen if the tires do better on this one than the last, given that it's out of a Revell box, and the tires completely coated in acrylic varnish. Sorry for the weak photos--I'll try to get better ones if the weather improves.
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