Kit is built simply straight OOB.. after fiddling around forever on the M-10 I wanted to do something simpler... so its just the kit basics.. some sanding, some gluing and a little putty....

This is my 2nd attempt at a panzer grey scheme mainly because I really dont' like the gray.. but using some of the things i've learned on here I decided to attempt to go grey and make it more visually appealing..
This is also the first time i've airburshed a Tamiya acrylic (german grey) as my primary paint as I'm a die hard model master guy.. I will say the tamiya stuff isn't bad.. though there are some difference's.
kit decals seemed a little thick and my filter coat of tamiya buff unfortunely make them a little odd.. esp in the sun..
basecoat is German Grey. then chipped lightly with flat black..then sprayed with future. then resprayed lightly with a lightened german grey... with a final filter coat of buff for the dusty look.. and then flat coated..
photo was taken in unforgiving sunlight to best show off the weathered panzer grey look.. please ignore the dratted decals.. .. next time i'm stealing some from a dragon kit...