Armor/AFV: Axis - WWII
Armor and ground forces of the Axis forces during World War II.
Hosted by Darren Baker
New kit today--the "Sturer Emil"
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Ohio, United States
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Posted: Saturday, October 01, 2005 - 12:04 PM UTC
Hi, Just picked up my new Trumpeter "Sturer Emil" kit today at the local hobby shop. Very, very nice, and looks simple to build. Although I think the kit's barrel is going to have to go the way of the recycle bin, as I've seen that Jordio Rubio has a barrel out for it now, and also Armor Scale has an absolutely sharp brass and aluminum tube as well. So I'm going to have to have one of these two for this kit.

I also saw over on Track Link that somebody has come up with a set of Fruil tracks to fit this kit. They are the ones that go on the Panzer I Ausf F. model. Unfortunately, and very unfortunately, as far as prices are concerned, it takes two sets for this one model, so I most likely will not go this route. Such a shame that these tracks are as high priced as they are anymore.

The shop owner say he may have a couple of the new Dragon Panzer IVs in next week and my name is on one of them if they happen to come in. This is both good and bad here, as I know it's a really, really nice and all, but I think that this kit, along with the late model Tiger I kit Dragon has just brought out is getting very, very close to the limit of my building abilities, or more to the point, my building desires. Just looking over the instructons on the Tiger I tends to give me something of a headache. Not sure if I want to start on this one any time soon, what with all the other kits half built around here as it is that MUST be built before starting on this one.

Maybe it's just the age thing, but I am beginning to think that the simpler, far less complicated kits, may be the better way to go. Which is another shame because I've heard it said that the president of Dragon has stated that the modeling public hasn't seen anything yet!

So we'll see.

Take care, Sgirty
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Provincia de Lugo, Spain / Espaņa
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Posted: Saturday, October 01, 2005 - 12:12 PM UTC

Quoted Text

This is both good and bad here, as I know it's a really, really nice and all, but I think that this kit, along with the late model Tiger I kit Dragon has just brought out is getting very, very close to the limit of my building abilities, or more to the point, my building desires. Just looking over the instructons on the Tiger I tends to give me something of a headache

Curious, that is what I am beginning to feel as well...

The 'Emil' on the other hand, is a couple of kits up the list. I am really thinking of seeing how far I can (reasonably) go with it using the (very extensive)Voyager PE set and the Armorscale barrel.. (forget Rubio, Armorscale have the mantlet as well)... Some interesting decisions to be made in the coming months...Jim
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Rhode Island, United States
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Posted: Saturday, October 01, 2005 - 12:33 PM UTC
It's not that hard to tackle the newer Dragon kits.Basic skills prepare the parts,and going carefully lets you get all the parts together.
(++) (++)
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Posted: Saturday, October 01, 2005 - 12:47 PM UTC
Isn't Model Kasten supposed to have a track set for this kit? I know WWii productions is supposed to come out with a set as well

Be careful with the kit tracks I hear they are a bit tight
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Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, October 01, 2005 - 01:46 PM UTC
The tracks are VERY tight and very inflexible, to the point that my half completed model is now sitting waiting for AM tracks... I'm puzzled on why they give us link and length on most of their new releases, such as the KV's and now the SA-6, and decide not to on this one? What I thought would be a nice out of box build will turn out to be quite the expensive venture,... otherwise a fantastic model from Trumpeter.

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Western Australia, Australia
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Posted: Saturday, October 01, 2005 - 02:27 PM UTC

As Jim said, forget the Jordi Rubio Barrel, it's a waste of time. see a review here;
Jordi Rubio Barrel

And WWII Prod will be releasing a set of individual link tracks as well as a set just released from Atelier infinite of Japan.

Terry A
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Ohio, United States
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Posted: Saturday, October 01, 2005 - 11:47 PM UTC
Hi, Thanks for the information here guys. Yes, after once again taking a look at the 'tube' put out by the Armor Scale people this is most definitely the way to go here.

And thanks also for the information on the WWII Productions track links for this kit. They look outstanding; also the way to go here, esp. since the kit tracks do not fit all that well. Now just to get them in my hands. Ha, ha! (Intend to write to the folks at R and J this coming week anyhow and see what they can come up with on both of these items.

If there is one BIG failing the major kit makers have it is most definitely in the area of tracks. I'm quite sure, given the technical advances, esp. by Dragon lately, that a set of good workable plastic track links can be made and included in all the newer kits that will solve this whole delimma. But the thing is to get them to just DO IT. Maybe this is one of those surprises that Dragon is talking about for the future. If so it will be none too soon as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks again and take care, Sgirty