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Hey Jazza,
Tks for the info. I haven't built a Tamiya model for a couple of years now so I'm keen to get into this one. I'm also into a few "modern" kits with modern versions of the M2 and M113 waiting in the wings and fill-ins in between M1 sessions. Unfortunately recent releases of Flak and LAV models have me interested.
You chose a good one to start. Like you, i moved onto the M113A2 by Tamiya as well and am very pleased with the accuracy of the model. Sure there are a few discrepancies here and there but i am ready to accept 10% of flaws.
This is the M113A2 im currently working which is near completion...still needs the ammo boxes and figures which im having difficulty with due to the lack of skill in painting figures. Hopefully those Osprey books i ordered from Amazon arrives soon.
Frontal View

Side rear View

Im still debating on whether to move onto the Humvee or the M2A2 as well.