This is an Italeri Puma, with Royal Resin Wheels and Jurdi Rubio Aluminum barrel. The braces for the jerrycans are scratchbuilt from aluminum soda can. I didn't put jerrycans because I ran out of them. The kit jerrycans are too stout and too short.
Periscope guards are thinned from kit parts. The "stand" for the width indicators are made out of thin wire.
I didn't put a lot of stowage or anything on the Puma because I'll be putting this in a diorama. I'm still not sure what that dio will be.
The Puma and the aftermarket products are given to me by Blade48mrd. Thank you very much, Mike.
Here are some pics. Sorry for the bad quality but it is overcast outside.

Comments and criticisms, as usual, are welcome.