Looks great guys
Figs are a really nice, the tree is very good also, i know we have nature to thank for that, but the positioning is just right.
The marshy groundwork is very well done also.
As for the blood, not too overdone, it's realistic, people have alot of blood in them, and with different wounds, a hell of alot can bleed out, there could even be more than shown and it would still be fine, and who knows what kind of wound this fella has, so no worries on that part.
Could be too bright, could be too dark, it looks like blood, it is blood, good enough for my eyes.
Cheers mates, good job
p.s. For Mary and Kevins sake, let's post what we think of the blood, too little too much etc... but not on the morality of putting blood and gore in dioramas, as i can just see it happening, it always does :-)