Final stages of the beast, and a beast it is. It makes a King Tiger look like a recce tank...
I'm done with it as is, still a few small bits to touch up etc, but most of that will be part of the diorama. I'm still not 100% decided on what to do..

. I'm leaning now towards the DUKW positioned on a sliproad leading down from a dyke, into the water, with just the front wheels submerged..possibly with a carrier I build earlier on the dyke, having just received their supplies..
Anyway, here's some pictures, taken in a hurry with flashlight (

I know, I know..


The washed out, bleached look of the OD has actually come out quite well in the photo's, but the dust and weathering is not so apperant. I'll post some daylight pic's tommorow.
All your comments, ideas, corrections and blatant slaps on backs are as always much appreciated...
p.s. Oh, hi Vinnie, well I'm not fretting, it's just that some of us have to work all year round... :-)
But if you ever get bored of turning out beautiful halftracks at industrial speed, I'm sure I've got something to swap in my stash... :-)