ABER 35 A79 - German Tank Radio Set Fu2 &Fu5
Set contains 1 fret and 3 double side A4 instruction sheets. The drawings are in a new format similar to Eduard but much better in detail. You can construct variants for:
Panzer ll, lll, lV
Tiger l, ll
StuG lll
All ancilliary equipment such as morse key, headphones, transformers etc is included, as is a decal sheet for the radio fascias. The drawings also include all the wiring diagrams for various configurations.
Aber have really raised the bar with this set - the new drawing format is fanatastic
I ave pdf'd the instructions and fret in a hires file here http://www.bsbit.co.uk/downloads/fug.pdf - its an 8mb file but you can zoom up to 500-600%
