Managed to finish this vignette and not to soon too. The title ‘Hearts & Minds’ is arguably one of the Special Forces more effective weapons. It was first used by the British SAS in my country way back before Independence to fight communist guerillas. SAS medics were sent deep into the jungle to win over the hearts & minds of the indigenous folks by providing medical attention and assisting in their general welfare. This effective program cut off the Communist’s supply of expert trackers and hunters.
This vignette is set in a Montagnard village featuring 1 SF medic treating a Yard kid while a mother is coaxing another kid to be treated. The medic’s buddy is looking on while one of lady in the back is returning from doing the laundry. The backdrop is part of a corner of a hut. This vignette was inspired by a feature on the Montagnards in National Geographic April 1968 issue. The feature tells of the close relationship of SF and their Yard counterparts with SF sometimes participating in their tribal ceremonies. Something I’ve tried to show by the rings of wrist bands on the standing SF. According to the article these were given by the Yards to close friends.
2 kids, M3 medic bag, Claymore bag, clay pots and stethoscope were scratchbuilt. The mother is from the Academy M113 kit and the laundry lady is from DML VC kit. Both ladies had arm surgery and wrap arounds (sarong as they’re called here) added on. SF medic was from DML Marine recon and his buddy had a lower torso and arms from Academy M113 and a body and head from DML LRRP. Both received major arm surgeries, rolled up sleeves added and scratchbuilt berets. The buddy had to be stripped of the straps on his torso and modified to give him the normal tropical fatigues. Inflated his cargo pockets too. Almost forgot Mr. Piglet is from Tamiya, without major surgery of course.