Hi there
Wow. Thanks for your kind and many replies. Its appreciated.
As I mentioned, the dio is only a first draft, and there's still lots do be done.
I've tried to categorize your remarks, so here it goes:
The hedges: Trees, hedges and schrubbery in a larger amount will be added. As for the hedgegrows, not all hedges in Normandy is 7ft high
The road: The junction does look odd, and not realistic. I'm working on a curve to make the bend more soft.
The convoy: I'll use the jeep for another project. The GMC and the Sherman will be kept there, together with the marching GI's.
The Hanomag: I'm not sure wether to put the Hanomag or a anti-tank gun there. Gun or Hanomag - the place will be littered with various equipment. The Kübelwagen will be placed in the roadside.
The groundwork: The grass are from HEKI, mixed with different spices and the taller grass are also HEKI. The bushes are moss with dried parsley: The moss are quite soft, so in order to make it more firm I've put it in a white glue-water-dark brown mixture. I've left it there for an hour, took it up and left to dry on paper. Some 24 hours later the moss are quite firm and ready to use for the dio. Once placed there, you can either paint it again or/and sprinkle it with the stuff you'd like. In this case - dried parsly and some leaves from the hobby-train shop.
The road and the field is made out of Poly-Filla. Its called that in Danish, and I'm not sure wether YOU have it, but it is a plasterlike material.
Beside water, I add some dark brown colour, a bit of white glue, sand and catlitter to the Poly Filla untill it has the right consistent. Then add it on the base with a brush or a spoon.
Where to go now: Beside the changes I've mentioned above, the little road will be guarded by either an smaller tank (Stuart or Greyhound) or a group of MP's.
A little shed or shelter will be made for the field next to the abandoned german equipment.
As for the Sherman: I've read an article in MilitaryModelling by Zaloga, where he uses Italeri's old kit for a dio depicting a scene from Operation Cobra, which took place in Normandy in august. Also, I have a lot of pictures with this type in Normandy, so I believe its realstic enough to use this type.
As for the tanker in strings: I like him. Since you comment it Jan, I think he has been busy working inside the tank and just need a breath a fresh air. Køber du den?
Well - I hope this has answered your questions. But, you're ofcourse welcome to ask me or comment it more. Thanks again. It is always nice to get some replies on your work - and in this case, I'm glad you like it.