I'd like to ask you all to cast a critical eye across my T34/85 which is work in progress. It's the first WW2 model I've ever done, and this is my first weathering also. I have missed a few things on the build etc, as I rushed the kit to experiment with techniques....but could you just give me your opinions on the painting/weathering.
The tank is for a dio, it is meant to look like it was disabled by a fire rather than a hit from a Panzerfaust etc. and has been sitting for a few days, not weeks, in the midst of some streetfighting in Berlin.
As it's my first model, I'm expecting a blasting - so don't hold back folks....
not sure whether I overdid the "hand painted" look on the turret band. I was not too fussy with markings and accuracy of unit/placement etc. I just enjoyed the build and wanted to play with weathering techniques.