Our good Slodder brings up a good point, albiet not entirely accurate {don't slug me slodder
The design of this particular bridge {where the center portion raises/lowers} would dictate that {in general} no one, or nothing, should be riding in the operating portion of the bridge...
hence, no gate needed because no one would/should be there to operate it. If indeed there was a gate necessary for this particular bridge, it would be located on either truncated end of each bridge 'ending'....
And, since we're getting 'nitty'....I doubt if during that period of time a wrought metal gate would be employed. If it was, it would in fact be split. More likely, it would be a drop-down gate of some sort......remember, this is before the advent of insurance company mandated redundancies........
nice catch slodder......nevertheless.......nice bridge
BTW, I'd go with grey on the Xacto bridge support, just add a little weathering powder to simulate a touch of rust, and I think it would be believable....... that a carpenter's level in the picture??.........say "Yes".....