Looks nice mate, it´s a BMD or not? What country used that vehicle in the Balkans, the serbs, croatian, bosnian, russian or ucranian peecekeepers?
Ii´ll post mine here again, it´s completed. I hope you like it, just in case you haven´t seen it in my other post.
Consider it as my entry for the S.I.K. FOR campaign, if anyone want to suggest something to improve it, anything it´s welcome. These photos are available in the S.I.K. FOR Official Gallery
TPZ-1 Fuchs, Revell of Germany, 1/35, built OOB, i only added the german flag in both sides (for me looks better that way LOL)
Bundeswehr SFOR vehicle, Gefeschtsverband, Rajlovac, Bosnia 1997

I want to invite everyone who has joined this campaign to share their experiences, comments, advances and completed models here, until the Official Thread is open
Best regards