What would my superdiorama be??
well I don`t know if the american people know the serie. But here in Europe (I think especially the UK, the Netherlands and Belgium) the serie is/was very popular they keep them rerunning
I`m talking about the serie "Allo Allo" the serie goes about a French village called Nouvion during WW2 For all the people who don`t know the serie It`s about a cafe owner that has connections with the resistance with the germans, he is hiding two british pilots.
The problem for the cafe owner is to get rid of the pilots with an idiotic plan from the french resistance(wich of course never succeeds). It`s really an hilarious serie I think.
but back to what I`m actually wanted to say.
My superdiorama would be making the square of Nouvion with all the people and so on.
There are not many vehicles to make for it but because of the gigantic cast that plays in the series I have to model a huge amount of figures like: A whole italian platoon a whole german platoon, the cafe owner his wife, his two serving girls, a couple of german officers, two GESTAPO agents, Two british pilots and many many more.
Plus there is a lot of scratchbuilding involved with it like the cafe, townsgate, the undertakersoffice, the policestation and a beautifull fountain in the middle of the square
why have I not already started on this thing??.......... I need some kind of blueprint or drawings from the village. Everyone who knows the serie and has something at home that shows parts of the village please let me know