That's a nice Pzr IV you've built, and not badly weathered at all. Rather consistent with the state of damage.
A few observations,
The spare tracklinks draped over the edge of the forward superstructure don't look right to me, possibely because the plastic tracks are a bit to crude. The links on the glacis should either be placed in the middle of the glacis where there where mounting brackets provided, or tyed down with some rope or wire. The right hand track is indeed the wrong way round, but if you can't turn it around, they where sometimes mounted the wrong way around so it's not the end of the world. You added two handles to the engine cover on the back. The Ausf. H ( as you have here) had only one grabhandle, the forward one. The rear one was added on the Ausf. J. They also need to be painted.
I see you relocated the jack to the rear mudguard, which would make sense with the damage to the mudguard, but you have left the airfilter off.
For your first Armour build this is very nice. It looks like the Academy Pzr IV, which is they old (oooold) Tamiya kit. If so you did very well. You seem to have a good way of creating damaged mudguards etc. which is a good start. Weathering is up to the builder, your's looks good from this end. If you put it on a dio/base, make sure to blend it in with the ground work. Your scratchbuild skirts look good aswel.
And don't take the type related comments to serious if all you want to built is a good looking tank.