Gino, You are right it is an M48-A3. My boo-boo on typing as I'm fighting head cold fog. The spare road wheels are held on the bracket with a single large bolt. This bit of info was imparted to me by a Nam vet mechanic I worked with. As a bit of info to other Nam modellers, the mechanics would wrap large tarps around the tanks to work at night so the light would not shine out and give away positions. My friend Dan (the vet mech) lost many friends, as the VC would sneak under the tarps and cut the mech's throats.
The tracks are wrong, my friend bought the accesories and supplied some of the reference materials. By the time I realized the tracks were wrong, I already had the Patton fastened to the base. He was hoping no one would notice, but I knew better!
The barbed wire is from Verlinden, and is a pain (literally) to work into a coil. I had to twist it as I coiled it or it would have looked flat. Count on the PE wire breaking and poking your fingers!
As the dio is depicting the Marines retaking Hue city, I found many good pics of the city. The debris is consistant with the level of artillery fired in certain areas and the damage inflicted to thse buildings. Explosions tend to scatter things.
Forgot to add, Gino, the vision blocks are done with Tamiya clear green on a gray background. With the method I used for weathering this left a film of dust on the blocks, consistant with the photos I fond on the web.