I spent most of last night weathering my Tiger,but i think i may have just gone a bit mad.its gone from a yellow colour to a dirty brown.i started with a few simple fillters,then a wash mix with black and burnt umber,then a black wash,followed dry brushing.i suppose it wont look to bad when i add some sandy colour powders first pic is a fresh unweathered model.
model weathered.
cheers karl
Never in the field of scale modelling was so much owed by so many to so few.
I think it looks great! It looks like it was driving through a dusty road for a day or two.
Lord Dave
You know you're a modeler when....
a:your fingers are forever encrusted with dried paint/cured glue
b:you smell of enamel thinner, glue, and paint 24/7
c:you shed a tear when the hobby shop closes.
piggy # 76 Lord Stomp and Mig hater