Works fine as a non-sticking paint-proof masking "fluid" - but best on framed canopies a la; HE111, JU88, B17, etc. Not useful as such on an F86!
Try for the type with the color tint so as to easily see it.
Use a fine tip paint brush and put a smallish drop in the center of a framed window.
Use the tip of the brush to c a r e f u l l y "push" the white glue outward to the edges of the "glass" to where it meets the frames.
Allow to dry, it will be barely milky in appearance on the glass.
Paint as desired.
When it's time to remove, use the pointy tip of a wooden toothpick and "prick" at the corners of each framed window section.
Little dry squares of painted whiteglue windows will pop off, leaving very nice painted frames.
I do all my framed planes this way. Did my Italeri 1/72nd HE111, no issues and no ill effect on me.