When deciding to purchase an airbrush, you might want to divide your attention and cash to both Airbrush and Compressor. A good compressor is just as important as the AB. Make sure the compressor has a regulator that will allow you to range from 8 PSI (pounds per square inch) to about 30 PSI. Also make sure you have at least one water trap hooked up to the compressor, some airbrushes come with an in-line water trap. As far as the AB, the only thing I would suggest, is to purchase a dual-action AB, single actions are nice, but will limit your ability in the long run, (ie; using the AB as a drying tool when applying very thinned out coats of paint) You want a good reliable AB that you can grow and learn with. I've had my Paasche VLS now for 13-14 years and it's a workhorse. I purchased an Iwata about 2 years ago, and have still to use it!, goes to show that once you've achieved a comfort level, it's hard to switch. The only concern I would have with the Aztek, is the make-up of the components, from what I understand, it's mainly plastic (Am I correct?), if you use a strong cleaner, say lacquer thinner, will this not wear out the parts?
Whatever you decide, just practice, practice, practice, start off with out of box models, and concentrate on the painting..... good luck. ( and make sure your painting area is well ventilated!!!)
EDIT - One more thing, I understand that AB and compressors are quite expensive in the UK,.... is anyone aware of issues with buying from North America or Japan??? (to give you a reference point, my VLS is selling for $115 CDN and my Iwata HPB for about $135)