Thanks for all the kind words and the suggestions, especially as this is my first modern UK vehicle and i was not sure if i had over done the weathering or not...means a lot to read your comments
Joe, you mention the Chain gun should be black? In my reference pics the Chain Gun is the same colour as the rest of the vehicle, possibly when they were repainted for the Gulf they over sprayed the barrel as well? As for the tracks, again i was going by the reference pics i have of MRCV's in the Gulf and they show the tracks as being all black with very few signs of wear and tear, if any at all. Obviously this could be a vehicle that has just arrived "in country" but i have got pics of two different vehicles and the tracks look the same on both, no weathering.
Jeremy, basically there is nothing to the weathering. I started off with an Olive Drab undercoat and misted over this two top coats of Light Stone. I tried not to cover any areas that i wanted the base coat to show though. Then i used several washes of Burnt Umber oils, to highlight these areas, and to "dirty" up all the air intakes and the exhaust . Then i applied the decals and sprayed three coats of Dullcoat to lessen any "shine".
Once again thank you for your comments they mean a
Regards from the Swamp