Hey Alex!
Like the finish. That looks to be a good shade of Olive Drab...
One thing though- is the barrel glued in already? It may be hard to paint without masking a lot of the tank.
Like the rear lights; they've come up well
You could pick a worse kit to build out of box, because by the looks of it (I have yet to gets me one;) it is a marked improvement over any (76) Sherman I have seen... Comes with good detail and some corrections
Cheers mate
P.S. Forgot this was 'Rivet review', so I'll lay a little gripe or two (read:Constructive criticism!;)
The left track at the rear is a little skewiff, as is the spare track holder above. There is a periscope guard missing off the left periscope on the turret top... That's all!!