Maybe this is such an idea. Or maybe you should have me banned from this paradise forever. I'd like to hear what you think.
You probably know all about this stuff and I discovered it only today, but Oh Boy I'm so amazed by this.
Out there (on the same planet WE live on), there seems to be a great heap of people who are about as crazy as we are, and who do stuff like Role Playing Games, Wargames and Table Top Games. Not my cup of tea, I admit it. But they need not be ashamed to meet the best of us when it comes to
Figure painting (this bozo is only one inch high)

or painting models

not to mention their diorama skills !

to just show a few of their tricks.
I discovered a site named, but there must be hundreds of them.
What's my point, you ask ?
Wouln't it be interesting to team up with these people ? They may be in a different ballgame, but there's a thing or two that can interest many of us and I'm sure they may be challenged by what we do.
Wouldn't it be interesting to give these weird #:-)

So what do you think ?
Yours Truly,