Need some feedback on the Academy M966 Tow Missle Humvee that im currently working on at the moment. Im actually working on this set as a "practice run" before working on the M1046 by Tamiya.
This is still work in progress obviously and still have quite a few things to do before completion. The model looks glossy as ive just airbrushed X-22 Clear coat to seal the underlying coats. Following this, i still have the following to do:
Will do the following:
1) Pin Wash using artist oil burnt umber mixed with turp.
2) Dry Brush over the wash using the same colour as the base coat to blend it in. Further dry brushing to highlight the bolts etc.
3) More dry brushing using Buff to weather the chasis
4) Paint the side mirrors
5) Seal the model with a layer of flat clear.
Cant decide if i should do the following:
1) Flick some pigment powder mixed with thinner onto the sides to simulate mud splatter
Here are some photos of whats been done so far. Would be great if you could point out any clear inconsistencies if you spot any.
The side mirrors that came with the kit were altered to have the new style mirrors.
Here's another crack at painting figures and their faces. This guy will be mounted on the roof behind the Tow Launcher.
p/s: Have a couple more photos in my gallery so take a look if you need a closer look.
Fire away boys!