After the discovery of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by the U.S. led coalition in the War on Terrorism, there was a greater hope for peace in the world. Once the advanced state of Iraq's WMD capacity was revealed even France joined the fight against terrorism. The United Nations unanimously agreed to new resolutions with regards to terrorists attempting to obtain WMDs. A worldwide operation eliminated hundreds of terrorists and their sponsors. The pressure was put on all those who attempted to illegally purchase components for a dirty bomb. With their network almost completely wiped out the terrorist changed their tactics.
Since it was virtually suicide to try to obtain WMD components, the terrorist switched to building small, portable but powerful electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons. By setting off an EMP all electronic components within range will fry its circuit. With parts easily purchased at the local hardware and electronic stores without surveillance, the terrorist amassed thousands of EMP weapons, no larger than the trunk of a car.
A simultaneous strike of all their EMP weapons near global military, communications and government facilities cripple the military, destroy communications and international leadership. Governments collapse, as leadership fail to keep the panic under control. Supplies cannot be distributed. Rioting and looting take place on a global scale. Thousands in the Middle East die of thirst each day, unable to pump water around the country. Thousands in Europe die from the summer heat wave with no air conditioning. The abundant US food supply spoils in warehouses. Money ceases to be the primary form of compensation as bartering for supplies reigns supreme. One entity is able to reorganize their logistics back into action and assemble strong security of their properties. They provide the most important thing required by man: to have a good place to sit down, drink a beer with his food and served by a beautiful waitress from Hooters.
Unable to use their highly computerized main battle tanks, resourceful military commanders restore old non-computerized World War 2 relics in museums to working order. They augment their weakened numbers by recruiting local gangs to help defend The Last Bastion of Civilized Dining and Entertainment.
Here the local military has restored an old German Panzer IV Whirbelwind to defend a Hooters establishment. With its 4 x 20mm cannon, it certainly gives the defenders an edge over the unruly. So if you have gasoline, ammunition or water you can come barter for some spicy hot wings, beer and a pleasant view of the lovely girls at Hooters.

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