This is my 1/72 M3 Lee from Mirage. It recieved a bronze in the KC AMPS show in October.
The model was built OOTB. I gave it a base coat of MM olive drab followed by a burnt umber oil wash and drybrushing with a mix of MM flat black and dark gray. I finished it off with pastel chalk, although I think just a little too much.
The ground cover is Woodland Scenics static grass and dirt. The foliage was made from printer paper, solder, masking tape, and tissue paper. The palm tree was constructed similar to the article here on Armorama, but on a smaller scale and with solder wrapped in masking tape for a trunk instead of electrical wire.
The base was made of two parts. The bottom half is simply a block of wood. The top half is a piece of styrofoam cut and shaped, then covered in Durham's water putty. Once glued together and the seam filled, I painted it with MM panzer chocolate brown. I thought I had done a decent job of joining the two parts, but it appears that the seam has shown itself again after a few travels. I gave it a fresh coat of paint before taking the pics.
Thats basically all there is to this model. All coments and criticisms are greatly accepted!
Thanks for looking!