Hi Vinnie ,
I saw a model of a LRDG Chev at the Wollongong comp , Really well done too , it was , Besides the fuel & water , Remember they were primarily Recce forces , so Binoculars , Maps , Sextant , also fuel being a premium , a funnel , oil cans ,Tarps to keep the sun off , these can be civil tarps adding a dash of colour , (But very dusty ) If they carry explosives , they would be boxed in wood rather than Metal , Grease can , maybe even a scratch built grease gun , As already stated , more than one spare wheel , A jack ,Jack block , Tool box , Food , personal duffel bags ,Sleeping rolls ,Maybe even a spare diff or similar , Helmet , Wash basin . Captured equipment too , do not have to be the cliched things , for a difference put an italian weapon or helmet . Just about all allies would prefer to use german Zeiss binoculars too .
I hope this helps Vinnie
I reckon the Chev looks excellent . It always seems a shame to paint them after putting so much work into the etch though . Look forward to seeing the finished item .
Jenny :-)8