One item was the set of Fruil tracks, ATL-02, for the Dragon Panzer IV Ausf. E kit. After going to all the trouble of building this model as best that I can, I didn't even think of risking it by trying to add those "Magic Tracks" --given my luck with them in the past. These white metal links go together very well with hardly any "polishing" out of the holes with a drill bit. (Seems that the smaller the tracks are from this company the less of the "polishing" that needs to be done. Which is a very good thing, given their size and all.) I have one run done and ready for primer and they really, really look great!!! Love that built-in sag effect. Man it doesn't get any better than this as far as tracks go.
The second little packet was a very fine replacement barrel set from the Armorscale people for the Trumpeter Sturer Emil. Talk about details! There are 12 pieces for this thing, plus the resin part that goes on the tank's front to hold it all. The darn muzzle even SCREWS onto the barrel. Now no matter how one looks at it, this is neat! One of these days I'll "bite the bullet" and order a couple sets of the Fruil tracks that fit this kit so I can then get it started---one of these days, maybe after tax refund, ha, ha!
Take care, Sgirty