The mg mags have had the straps and pull rings added with fuse wire and lead foil,the spent case bag on the mg is Milliput,and on the main gun it's made of tissue and wood glue.
The pistol port and periscope chains are from cheap earings,(you get some funny looks sizeing up earing chains in girly shops!!)."Can I help you sir " " I'm looking for some very fine chain ,for my T-34 model tank." Spotty shop assistant looks bemused and beats a retreat leaving me to browse in peace!
The light was scatch built (15 parts) from a 1/35 gas bottle and plastic card and strip.
The interior was coated with "Mr Surfacer 500",the outside will be getting the same.
Will keep you posted on the progress
Thanks for looking

Thanks for your comments boys
turret together ,but a bit of filling,sanding ,filling ,sanding, was needed to get the curves right without losing the weld seams on the roof.
It's got a coat of Mr surfacer 500 on ,I'm just toying whether to apply a coat of "cast-a-coat" or not,how course was the the castings on a 42 mod turret?