thanks for the overwhelming number of's always very rewarding to see that quite a lot of people are interested in the progress of a diorama.
@ Joe (greatbrit)
Nope, the figures will be quite out of the box. I'm glad that my dioramabuilding efforts came out nice a bit..... my figure building and paining capabilities is something else.... Still a lot of areas to discover before that turns out to something acceptable

@ Scott (slodder)
Yup, the walls are all textured like in the real cellar. They only have the primercolor right now. They will be off-white in a later stage. On the walls will be spots of smoke and coal... those will be done with pigments.
@ cheyenne
I'll add some reference goodies in the next update. You're quite right to ask for it, since it's very hard to determine the size of it all.... good thinkin' !
@ Jay (Minuteman)
Jay, yes, I scribed the individual floor and ceiling panels by hand. after that I used a rough sanding paper to create the woodgrain in the planks.
@Claude (roudeleiw)
Both the ceiling and the floor are made from plasticcard. You could be right about the traverses, but if they are too large, it's only a fraction.... they do look overwhelming on the pictures. Tonight I airbrushed my ceiling in a brown base colour.... right now the traverses are much more toned down.... I think adding color did the trick.
@ Murat (modelci2000)
Murat, the lamp will be made of plasticcard or very thin aluminiumfoil.... I'll have a got at plasticcard first... 0.1 mm should do the trick I hope.
Guys, thank you again for forming an overwheling don't know how much I appreciate this...after months of having the modelers blues, I finally am back and it's oh so great to be able to share it with the bro's and sisters over here !!