HI, The "interior" is an old one-piece drop-in resin kit sold by R and J Products that I had picked up a couple of years ago. Don't know if they still make this or not but it's a pretty nice little addition, all in all. I sanded down its sides just a tad and removed the reinfocements from in the inside of the hull and it fit right down in. It looks a whole lot better in a model than just sitting in the parts box. Ha, ha! And this way I could leave the inspection hatches and driver, mg. hatches open.
I have a resin engine kit too from these folks, but have lost some of it's pieces over time, so I think I'll save this to someday build an abandoned or destroyed vehicle. The details that come nowadays with these new Dragon 'super' kits just cry out for one built in some kind of "war's casualty" type of display.
Didn't use any of the PE tool clips on this model, as I just don't think I was quite up to forming them at the moment. Although I found that on jack I had to use some form of PE in order to mount it.
Unforunately, the PE with the kit had no marks on it to show where to bend them at. As luck would have it, I had an old PE sheet of either a Pz. III or IV in the parts box that had some jack mounting pieces on it with 'bend' marks and I used then for the jack.
Have had more trouble with the RR car than the vehicle so far, as there is just not that many good photos of any of these things around. I did find a couple of color photos over in the forums on the Panzer World site that showed one almost black in color and the other in red primer, so I guess either could to used. I see that I'm going to have to add some "gear" in front and behind the vehicle as well.
Here is where those "Magic Tracks" will come in handy so I can make up some ectra "track rolls" to put in front of the vehicle or in it's rear to take up some 'empty' space.
As always, the neatest thing about the model fo far is the addition of the Fruil tracks to it. They aren't cheap, but they sure do add that special "something" to any kit I've used them on so far. Love that "built-in" sag effect. It just doesn't get any better with tracks.
Thanks for the comments and take care, Larry