I was reading through a couple of the campaign posts and was curious as to if the campaign policy was adopted to one campaign per area per year? The post I was reading had been going on for 2 years-lol--but I noticed that there were quite a few proposed campaigns in the batters circle at the moment. I am assuming that these may be group builds but are being placed under the campaigns area as Staff Jim had suggested? I was just curious because I have a few good ideas for group builds that might be able to cross the proposed dates on the others i.e..... start one in april that ends in September. This would allow some people to have a second or third or fourth (lol) project to work on while the paint is drying on the other model and also allow others to join in on a new build before June. I know this isn't a new concept-but I didn't see many builds if any starting in April or September, just mainly in January and June.
Anyway, I was trying to find the general guidelines for proposing a group build other than the subject and other pertinent information. Must a Group Build be submitted to the council for approval before determining if people are interested or should the subject be presented to the members and if enough want to participate then it would be presented to the council? And beyond this, if 10 people are needed to start a group build, what kind of a timeline can be expected from the submittal process to the council until it is approved for a group build?
Oh well--thats enough for the moment--I would welcome any responses to this post that would enlighten me so that I could possibly present some future group builds.
P.S. I hope this question hasn't been asked 200 times already--I haven't had time to search the posts for this kind of info due to the holidays so please forgive me in advance.
-=S=- to all, Blackwulf