Just started building Tamiyas M2A2. I intend to build this one in an OIF guise, and therefor decided to scratchbuild a new interior for it. As Gino (heavyarty) has said some Bradleys do still have the old M2 style interior but I thought the new interior looks better and gives me the oppertunity to do my first major scratch build.
I used the M2 floor and turret case, cut away the seat mounts that are moulded on the floor and cut open the turret case. Then added plasti card lining to the roof interior and began to add the various wireing. Still a lot of progress to do. Ive been using Vodniks superb article on detailing the M2A2 and have a lot of pictures on my PC of Bradleys. I will be using the eduard M2 turret interior set and M2a2 ODS detail set.
[IMG]https://gallery.kitmaker.net/data/500/PICT0571.JPG [/IMG