Hi, this may sound a bit silly, but it has been plaguing me all day

. I am about 90% through building DML's Tiger (P) - kit 6210. On the rear of the turret there are several spare track links to be mounted between the turret itself and the stowage box thingie (official name, btw). Here's where i can't decide what to do -- is it possible to go ahead and glue the track links on, then glue the stowage box parts on, camo the tank, then go BACK and carefully paint the links the proper color? Or, is there some way to temporarily mount the box on the turret (w/o mounting the track links), camo the tank, then remove the temporarily mounted box, glue the tracks links on (having painted them off to the side, of course), and reglue the box - this time for real?
Does that make sense?