Hi Maki,
I've never used anything from Legend before so I don't know how well they go together. I did get the Verlinden SAS Jeep conversion at the same time (a friend was clearing out his stash and I got a great bargin). As a head to head comparison, I'd say the Legend beats the Verlinden, but it 's close. Both sets are very nice, with lots of goodies in them. For me, Legend beats Verlinden due to several items missing or lacking from Verlinden. The v. sand channels are PE, with little or no detail. The L. sand channels are resin with lots of nice looking detail (reinforcing ribs bent along the channel and additional small slots along the ends). L. also gives you the front grill with the appropriate ribs removed and a resin dash board that looks very nice to me. Over all, the detail on the L. set looks crisper than on to V. set.
Yea...I am a "figure" guy. But I cut my teeth doing armor. That's the reason I started coming to this site. I started doing figures 6 or 7 years ago but I still love the armor! And one nice thing, doing figures has definitly improved my armor skills.