This is a small project I have been working on for the past month or so. It has been draining, but postive progress is a boost. I have the wood base built and trimed, the bridge built, and the base enclose in plastic card. The paint for the tank should be here this weekend, and hopefully the base components will be all worked out and I can start permanently securing them to the base. The bridge is plastic card, cork and spackle. I plan on aving post at all for corners with black and white striped railing running the length. The telephone pole is in the works. (I posted a question in this forum about it). I bought the resin for the water and some tall WS grass to put along the edges. I know the spacing is a bit off for the bridge, I plan on correcting it. Any comments or suggestions good or bad (note I prefer the good
) are welcome.
Unfortunately I built the tank hatches closed, but I may put a couple infantry walking with the tank.