I'm working (when my planning allows me) on element for a market garden dio. Basically, there will be a Demag with 2cm flak mounted on the side of a flourished road, two crewmen looking at the sky, one fallschirm' also, but beside the edge, two paratroopers of the 82nd are ready to attack and get them by surprise. I may call it " sieg comen / schhh.." or "sky invaders" (hard to choose aspoken title in english when I have so much choice and subtilities in french..
The point is : as I doesn't want to do a too much deep and opaque hedge, I want to make a commercial wood panel, size of a 1/35 figure, hiding the paras. On this panel I wish to paint a flemish ww2 add (in this way it will place historically and geographically the scene) for ...a restaurant..a pub..in fact I don't know exactely what. But I know I will paint it, I want many colors on it, and if possible a funny add (a big man drinking a beer or something like that).
If a charitable personn, and specially a flemmish one, but not only, could help me in this research, I would be greatfull.
Many thanks in advance, mates.