Thanks for the feedback everyone!
Color-wise it's slightly more green in person, but that didn't come across as well in the photography. It is still more gray than green though, Most models look better/different in person anyway. I did want it more muted though on purpose. I wanted the tank to have a dull drab bleak color and soviet feel to it. I rarely go for accuracy in colors... I mostly just want it to look cool on my shelf. Same with the decals... I say one KV-1 in a book with a slogan, but no KV-2's... again, coolness factor.
From what I've heard, they didn't carry stowage on the fenders either, but I had some (for an M-10) that I was given to use on robot kits, and wanted to make use of it. Plus again, I just thought it looked cool. I did see tarps or something though in some old photos... so there's my excuse! :-)
Quoted Text
'You can have any color you want - as long as it's green'
How funny! My Grandfather-in-law says that about cars since all of mine have been green. He likes green, but his wife likes the warm-silvery color better. She won.
I'm glad you guys like the in-prog page as well. I write a lot of tutorials and in-progs since I get a lot of questions on my forum and via e-mail about how I dio things. These help me not have to reply as much. Plus by the time I get to my next AFV I'll have forgotten half of what I did (hopefully not, but who knows) so this will help me as well.
I agree about the tank sitting more into the base. I used the rubber tracks to make the impressions and should had pressed more to set the tank into the base better. One other thing I wish I did was a slight mound down the center of the "road" so show more traffic and such. More old dirt road-like. I had already started painting when I realized I should had done it. I was too concerned with making sure that the tank at least sat flat onto the base.
I love making bases for my works. They're half the fun and really add to the feel/impression of the kit.
Anyway, thanks again! Great comments and I hope to hear more.