Now don't get me wrong, it's a really nice kit and all, with nice crisp parts and moldings, great instructions, etc., things that Tamiya has always been known for in the modeling industry. But there's a certain "something" that's lacking some place or other on it, esp. when being compared to Dragon's stuff.
Yes, I think "spoiled" is the word I'm looking for here. The one good thing about is that it's going to be something of a fairly quick build,much like some of the Trumpter kits, due to the lack of pieces included in the box. And that's saying something just in itself as I've been fooling around with that Panzer IV, on and off, since it came out last year. Ha, ha! But at this point I'm not even sure I'm going to be going to the extra expense of adding the Fruil tracks to ithis kit at at a later date, and that, in itself, is saying something for someone like me who looks on the Fruils with something of a 'religious' mind set when it comes to German and Russian World War II vehicles.
I guess the one thing that bugs me on it is that I paid as much for it at the local hobby shop as I did for Dragon's new "super" kits. So it really wasn't that good of a buy, all in all.
Take care, Larry