Well this is my first real full on winter dio, I've done a couple little ones, with a little snow, but this time the whole thing is snow covered. This has my Panzer IV H (which I posted earlier) and Tamiya's KV-1. Figures are from Dragon, Tamiya and a donated Verlinen Tank Commander courtesy of Mike Durr, thanks again Mike for helping out in a pinch!!!
Snow was made from sanded white tile grout on a insulation foam base which was carved using my dremmel tool, and leftover pieces added for raised ground areas. The KV was pretty much built and painted in like an afternoon, I knew that it was going to be covered in snow, so all the weathering I really did was to rust the tracks to represent that the vehicle has been brokendown and abandoned for quite some time.
Enjoy, sorry for the amount of pics but that's what happens when I have a big dio! :-) Thanks to Bugsy again for the pics!
Comments welcome!!!