I'm fairly new at this and building the Italeri M4A176 as an Operation Cobra vehicle. Yes, yes, I know that kit is past its prime but I'm doin it for sentimental reasons. I am updating it as I go along and would like to add casting numbers to the turret sides, top, mantlet and transmission cover. The problem is that I have no idea what numbers would be appropriate. I have several images of casting numbers in each location but I have no way of knowing whether they are appropriate for the period I am trying to depict.
In the heat of the moment last night I cemented the number "205" on each side of the turret, with a "2" below it. The numbering looks right when matched to a series of images I have but then I realised the creature in the images has a muzzle brake on the barrel of the 76 and other features indicative of period later than July/August 44.
Do any of you have any thoughts on the suitabiltiy of the number I put on the turret? Is there reference material (book, website etc) which goes into some detail on casting numbers?
Thanks for the help, Mario.