I recently signed up for the "purple hearts" campaign (the one that includes damaged armor and vehicles) and i've been doing some brainstorming. Well today i was reading a "offroading" magazine and their was an article about trail damaged trucks and jeeps. When i saw the pictures of vehicles that have rolled on their sides or down steep inclines, i had a graet idea

. I thought to build a rolled jeep. Now, i know that i want to include rolled in fenders and a busted windshield frame, but i'm not sure exactly how to go about this. I thought that i could heat and bend them to where i want, however when small plastic pieces like this are heated i know that the surrounding areas will quickly melt away.
And then i had another great idea;
Aluminum foil ! If i could use the foil to fashion a fender i could make it look like realistic mangled sheetmetal. Immediatly i experimented but again was stumped when i found that the foil, when bent will crinkle and fold in odd spots. So my question is... Has anyone successfully used aluminum foil for an application such as this? If not can anyone recomend any other methods?