Thanks for much for the nice comments guys. To answer some of your questions.
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what colour have you used for the hull
The model was sprayed mostly with Tamiya colours ... first red-brown, then black in recesses. The main colour was olive green and then a lightened version of this ... some buff was added ... was sprayed in the middle of panels to show fading. To tie this alltogether, a well thinned Vallejo (model air) "russian green" was sprayed over this. Really nice colour for Russian vehicles!
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Care to share how you weathered this KV?
The whole tank was drybrushed with a very faded olive green (Humbrols) and then pin washes to pop details. The dry brush colour was mixed with steel andthe peaks were drybrushed again. This was all sprayed over again with some very thinned filters, so it looks natural. Greens and dark browns humbrols were used for this ... thinned with humbrols own enamel thinner.
A pastel wash was added to corners to show some dust build up (thinned with isopropynol), and then, a make-up brush was used to powder the whole model with dry pastels, and rub it in. This got a an overspray of matt cote, going slightly heavier in the panel middles to almost remove the pastels again ... this leaves a quite natural dust along sides and edges. Mud was made with grout, static grass, white glue, sand and pastels for colour. This was added with a small brush and blended in with dry pastels. I went over edges and metal areas with a pencil to give back some of the metallic feel.
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i like fact that you diplayed the tank on something other than dirt.
That was exactly my thought also ... and I didnt want to spend too much time on the base. The Kincali items are excellent for saving time and look great painted up.
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Your KV1 is sure looking big and beefy
Unfortunately, I started this before the campaign started so was unable to enter it!