The kit has been painted, and is ready for weathering. Its an all resin kit, nice overall but simplified in places.
The kit was first painted black, then i masked off the 'mickey mouse' camo pattern with maskol and sprayed the green.
Here is the vehicle balanced on its wheels
I have used acrylic gel medium to the lower hull and suspension which will be painted to represent mud and dirt during weathering
The kit comes with a basic interior, mainly seats and steering wheel. The seats in the kit are just square blocks of resin so i replaced them with seats from an AFV club M10. I couldnt find any references for the interior, and once the roof plates and crew are in place its hardly visible.
For the crew im using a standing figure from Warriors, part of their cromwell crew set, and i driver half figure that came with a cromwell ferret kit.
The Driver is meant to be operating tank stick type controls rather than a steering wheel but only his head is really visible through the drivers hatch so im not too worried about it.
Any comments welcome