Well this is my entry in the Big and Beefy campaign.. Trumpeters Russian KV2 "Big Turret" tank. I picked this big boy up last weekend at the Guelph model show. Spent far to much money again.. Oh well.. I came home and set to work on this kit. I went together in a heartbeat. Within a few hours, I was ready for paint.
The only thing I had left to do is build the link and lenght tracks, but I'm leaving that untill the very last. A bit of a different set up on the rear sprocket helped me with that decision. A few pictures here, Figured I would wait until some colour was laid down.
Tamyia acrylics for paint. Mixed flat green and white for the base, preshaded with olive green right out of the bottle. Final coats will be the base coat with some of the olive green added to darken it. For some reason, I cnat seem to get any Russian green here.. Go figure... Here we are. A few minor hiccups with the paint..

Comments welcomed